The Rev. Vivian Hayes
I grew up attending church but was wooed into a relationship with Christ by observing my mother's vibrant walk with the Lord and encountering Jesus through a Spirit-led reading of John's Gospel alone in my room. I was baptized shortly afterward at the age of twelve.
My faith community doubled as a family away from home in the many geographical relocations of my husband's 23-year Naval career. Since 1996, I've led Bible studies in various contexts and places, desirous for others to encounter the Living Word of God, Jesus, through His written Word, the Scriptures. After seven years of service as the inaugural Teaching Director of Community Bible Study (CBS) Chesapeake, the Lord called me into ordination in the Anglican tradition.
I was ordained into the transitional diaconate in November 2024 and graduated from Trinity Anglican Seminary in December 2025. I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Terry, since 1986 and have three adult children.