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Preparing for Pentecost
The Holy Spirit
and You
Deepen your love and appreciation
for the Holy Spirit and His work
in our lives as we prepare our
hearts for Pentecost.
Deepen your love and appreciation
for the Holy Spirit and His work
in our lives as we prepare our
hearts for Pentecost.
May 2023
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
May 7
Pastor Nile Gomez
Why Do I Need the Holy Spirit?
I Tell You The Truth: It Is For Your Good That I Am Going Away
May 14
Pastor Marty O'Rourke
Watch | Listen | Sermon Slides
Why Do We Need the Holy Spirit?
May 21
Pastor Nile Gomez
How Do I Receive the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit in You
May 28
Pastor Marty O'Rourke
Watch | Listen | Sermon Slides
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