The Rev. Dr. Martin K. O'Rourke
If the alumni of my graduating high school class gave an award to the person who ended up in the least likely job, I believe I would win. As a teen, I was constantly trying to prove myself through sports and by being accepted by others. It is alarming to consider where I would be today if the Lord Jesus Christ had not changed my life.
I am still amazed that the Lord called me to be a pastor, and my passion is to see lives transformed by Jesus Christ.
My first call in ministry is to trust and love the Lord with all my heart. I am also called to love my wonderful wife as Christ loved the church, and to be a godly father to my four children and two grandchildren. I am very thankful for God’s call on me to be a pastor, serving the people of Messiah.
We seek to make disciples who in turn make disciples by emphasizing mentoring relationships. I am very encouraged by the growing diversity in our church as people connect across generations, ethnicities, economic and social backgrounds, and with those who have disabilities.
We also serve our community by providing Joyful Noise Club, an outreach to young people with disabilities; having a companion relationship with a church in Portsmouth that has a ministry to the poor; and participating with other ministries, including CAST, a ministry to the homeless, Heart of Compassion, and Serve the City.
I have a heart for building fellowship and unity among local church pastors, so Messiah holds a monthly gathering for ministers from various denominations. God used my heart for local church pastors to develop a training titled Guard Your Heart, designed to equip Christian leaders to walk in purity.
For fun and exercise, I ride my bike five days a week with my wife, and two days a week I play racquetball.
Before coming to Church of the Messiah in 1995, I served as Rector at Church of the Resurrection near Akron, Ohio; as Associate Rector at St. Martin's in Monroeville, Pa.; and as Youth Advisor to the Diocese of Pittsburgh.