Prayers for Personal & Corporate
Prayer for Personal Pentecost
Father, I am thirsty and dry and I need the refreshment of Your Holy Spirit.
Fill me to overflowing that streams of living water might flow from within me.
I want to grow more deeply and intimately acquainted with You, Lord. I desire to worship You in spirit and in truth with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength. I need a drink from Your well of living water that never runs dry.
Create in me a clean heart, O God. I invite You to do in me that which You need to do in order to do through me that which You desire to do. Send Your Spirit to lead me into all truth and understanding that I might serve You with a glad and sincere heart and that I might use the gifts You have given me to serve others.
Lord, here I am. I am Yours. Help me to love my neighbors as You love them. Give me opportunities to share the good news of what You have done in my life with those who are hurting and those who are searching for truth.
Clothe me with Your power, Lord,
for my desire is to take hold of that for which You have taken hold of me, and I can only do so in the power of Your Spirit.
Lord, thank You for loving me, forgiving me, equipping me, and sending me. May all I say and do bring You honor and glory.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
Prayer for Corporate Pentecost
Father, we celebrate Your goodness. We delight in Your Presence. We remember the wonderful things You have done and we thank You for Your continued patience with us and provision for us.
We come to You now in faith asking You to rain down Your Spirit on us once again. Baptize us in a fresh outpouring of Your love and power. Drench us. Refresh us. Revive us.
Lord, we can only be who You’ve called us to be in and by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
So, send Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation upon us now that we may fulfill the hope to which You have called us.
Empower us by Your Spirit to go where You send us, sharing the good news of Jesus with all who will listen. May Your streams of living water flow from within us to all with whom we come in contact.
Thank You for the bountiful resources that will enable us to do all that You’ve called and equipped us to do. Freely we have received, Lord. Freely we will give.
By the power of Your Spirit we will be steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in the work to which You have called us for we know our labor is not in vain because we have the victory thorough our Lord, Jesus Christ.
And it is in His mighty name we pray, Amen!