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Prayer to Become Like Christ
We praise You, Almighty God,
for You are rich in mercy.
When we were dead in our sin,
You made us alive in Christ.
Because of Your great love,
You desire to conform us into the
likeness of your Son Jesus.
Thank You for Your Holy Spirit,
who is transforming us to have the
same attitude and mind as Christ.
Help us to love the way He loves;
to humble ourselves as He humbled Himself;
and to trust and obey as Christ did in all things.
Enable us to see people the way He does;
to confront hypocrisy as He did;
and to freely forgive just as Christ forgives us.
Guard us from quenching Your work in our lives,
and help us stay in step with
the Holy Spirit each day.
May we be ever changing into the
likeness of Christ Jesus,
in whose name we pray.
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